Simulation Behaviour of Associative Array with 64 Bit Index - QuestaSIM

Hi All, This post is related to unexpected Simulation Behaviour with an Associative Array having 64 Bit Index in QuestaSIM. I had faced this problem and thought many others may have faced it also. So it is worth sharing the solution over here. NOTE :- This behaviour was observed in QuestaSIM 10.2. It may or may not be observed in the same or other versions of QuestaSIM. SAMPLE CODE : Here is the sample code : typedef struct packed { bit [7:0] data; bit valid; } dword_memory_st; ` define key 64 program p; int loop_count; int iteration; // Try with more than 8 to get the Errors ;) dword_memory_st MEMORY[ bit [`key-1:0] ]; bit [`key-1:0] st = 'hffff_ffff_ffff_fffa; bit [`key-1:0] ft = 'hffff_ffff_ffff_ffff; bit [`key-1:0] temp; bit [`key:0] max_memory_address = (1 << `key); bit bounded_address_used = 0; ...