What is Formal Verification through Model Checking? [2/2]

Hi All, This is the 2nd post on the Formal Verification. Here we will discuss about the remaining topics of the Formal Verification through Model Checking. Results of the Model Checking Now that, you know, that Model Checking is all about Properties, Constraints & Tool, we shall examine how tool works. Now the job of the Model Checking tool is to verify User Defined Properties exhaustively, by satisfying the User Defined Constraints. There are basically 3 types of results for any Property, Model Checking tool can give. Conclusive, Proven - Property is exhaustively verified, and you can be assured, that there is no bug in that piece of RTL. Conclusive, Falsified - Property has been failed. In this case, tool will provide you the Falsification Trace (Set of input pattern, which can make the property to fail) Inconclusive (Bounded Proof) - Tool can not confirm the proof or falsification of the property. In this case, tool will provide you the "Bounded Proof...