Standard Cell Based ASIC Design Flow

Hi All, Today we will discuss about ASIC Design Flow, as it is one of the most important and crucial thing to understand. ASIC Design Flow Now, we will try to get brief idea about each steps in the above image. Specification - Specification of the system, like what is the functionality of system, what is the desired speed of the system, area constraint of the system, whether it has any power constraint or not, tolerances of various constraints, operative conditions of the system. RTL Description - Generally after specification, the system is partitioned into various blocks and RTL description (HDL Code like Verilog or VHDL), mostly in behaviour form is written. Sometimes Higher Level Language Code like C/C++ is also written, and in that case, a High Level Synthesis Tool is used, which converts the Higher Language Code into RTL Level Code. After RTL Coding, Functional Verification is done to check the correctness of the functionality. Logic Synthe...